Band of the Week - Jimmy Strings
• Atomic Age to the Stone Age - The Tiki Creeps - Amazon
• Surfin Craze in the Robotic Age - The Tsunamibots - Amazon
• The 7th Wave - El Indio - Soundcloud
• Costa Tirrena - DeSurfures - Soundcloud
• Rooster Tail - The Fuzziyama Surfers Reverbnation
• Fuel - Jimmy Strings - Bandcamp
• El Cruel Sol - Jimmy Strings - Bandcamp
• Billy El Chache Los Tsunamis - Reverbnation
• Agua Roja - Jimmy Strings - Bandcamp
• De Tanto Amor (Me Vengo en Tiniblas) Los Atascados - Bandcamp
• Garachosa - The Terror Waves - Bandcamp
• Night of the Living Surf - The 427's - Bandcamp
• Topanga - The Phantom Operators - Bandcamp
• Midnight Hotrod Hellbound Devil Train to Memphis - The Alder Kings - Amazon
• Munsters Theme - The JimmyC - Bandcamp
• Memory Man - Custard - iTunes
• Hercules - Midnight Oil - iTunes
• Slipping Away - Max Merritt and the Meteors - iTunes
• II Desert() DeIle Delize - The JimmyC - Bandcamp
• Bunnie's Bouncing on Balos Beach - The Mighty Surf Lords - CD Baby
Don't miss the next exciting episode of Surf Guitars from Mars, but in case you do - check the archive on this page -
Sunday evening at 1900 GMT+8, Tuesday morning 0800-0900 GMT+8, Wednesday evening 2000-2100 GMT +8. - Interact with us on and