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Recently played

Band of the Week - The Sub-Vectors


  • Paging Doctor Banzai - The Sub-Vectors - CD Baby
  • Topanga - The Phantom Operators - Bandcamp (Donations to V2 Fundraiser)
  • Flight of the Bumble Bee - B.C.V - You Tube
  • Rise of the Robots - The Tsunamibots - Google Play
  • I Don't Love You no More - The Reprobettes - Bandcamp
  • Don't be Gone Long - The ReChords iTunes
  • Kobayashi Maru - The Sub-Vectors - CD Baby
  • Revenge of the Putrid Slime - The Burnin' Sands - Bandcamp
  • Doppelganger Special - The Sub-Vectors - CD Baby
  • Filipina Sex-Ray - The Zillatones - iTunes / Bandcamp
  • Man Vs Terrorsaur - The Terrorsaurs - iTunes / Bandcamp
  • Hey Devotchka - Monsters from Mars - Bandcamp
  • La Terrible Maldicion De Tutankamon - The Dead Rocks Bandcamp
  • El estrecho, oscura y tenebroso camino de las Cumbres de Maltrata - Los Atascados - Bandcamp


  • Memory Man - Custard - iTunes
  • L'Espion Invisible en Vacances - The Dead Rocks Bandcamp
  • Mudsharks Away! - The Huaraches - Bandcamp
  • Strawberry Hunter - B.C.V - Youtube
  • Super Tubo - The Mexican Weirdohs
  • Short Circuit - The Tsunamibots - Google Play
  • Sugar Cube - The Apollo Four - Bandcamp
  • Major Surf - Moms I'd Like to Surf - Bandcamp


Don't miss the next exciting episode of Surf Guitars from Mars, but in case you do - check the archive on this page -

Sunday evening at 1900 GMT+8, Tuesday morning 0800-0900 GMT+8, Wednesday evening 2000-2100 GMT +8. - Interact with us on and